The Masonic Dilemma

Truth Seekers Ministries Presents…

The Masonic Dilemma

masonic apron

I know that this subject will step on some toes. I will apologize ahead of time about that. I just hope that as the truth is revealed, I don’t make any enemies. My dilemma is this. My father was a mason, I have many friends that are masons, and I believe that these men are God fearing, Jesus loving, men of God and I truly don’t want to hurt these men. When I first learned of some of the secret, so called, “Blood Oath’s” that were taken by men in the lodges under the guise of unity among the brethren and even becoming one with God to be “God” yourself. I couldn’t understand why these men would even want to do these things. As I learned about some of the inner teachings, through my father’s own masonic books, I also found out that possibly 99% of the masons today don’t know of these inner teachings and aren’t aware of any underlying evil involved, they just performed rituals, not knowing the truth about what they were doing, being taught that it was necessary to do these rituals in order to advance in the lodge, and by doing so, symbolically advancing towards God.

My father was in the hospital, when I approached him regarding what I had learned. Cancer got hold of him and he soon went to be with the Lord. However, as we talked he was surprised by some of the things that I read to him out of his own books. It really shocked him almost to the point of tears. He couldn’t accept the premise that for all these years, he and his fellow masons, were only the outer shell of a fellowship that had layer after layer until the most inner circles actually taught a “Luciferic Doctrine”. A doctrine that exalted Lucifer over Adonay, actually calling Lucifer, the God of light and good, and Adonay, the God of darkness and evil.

As we conversed and dug deeper into the roots of this doctrine, we found out that until the Medieval times with the crusades and the Knight’s Templar, the masonic organization it appeared, was not teaching these lies. The Masonic Organization goes back to ancient times. They claim roots back to the building of Solomon’s Temple, and even hints about the building of the Pyramids at Giza in Egypt come up. So in it’s roots, I find an honest group of a true God believing fellowship of men. What we found out set my father’s mind at ease about his choice to become a mason, because his lodge was a fellowship of believers in Christ and there were no “Luciferic” teachings done there.

Again I need to reiterate the fact that probably 99% of all masons alive today are not aware that there is a inner doctrine, only taught to the 33 degree and higher, in the time of the founder of modern freemasonry Albert Pike, that conveys the message that there is a bold, satanic deception, taught to the initiates. The masonic lodge through the Shriners hospital, the Red Cross, and others have given this world many good things, by men of good hearts, truly seeking God’s way. Most masons don’t even read their own books. If they do, as large and symbolic as some of these books are, they either read right over these things and didn’t see them at all, or they “didn’t get that far yet”. I’m not saying these things to defend the “Masonic Society”, as you will certainly see in a moment, I am defending the hearts and minds of many, many God seeking men that have been “Duped” into thinking that the Masonic Lodge of today is a Christian organization. It is most definitely not a Christian organization, and you will have to agree when I show you some of the teachings by the founders of this modern secret society.

Masons claim connection to John the baptist, and the Essenes. Many of the founders of this country were Masons, including most of the presidents up to now. Edgar Cayce, in his readings, taught that John and Jesus both took their Last rites within the Great Pyramid. These things and other clues indicate to me that the earliest masons were on the right track. Satan just entered and perverted their teachings, creating a inner society that you couldn’t earn the entrance into, like you could through the various degrees, they had to vote you in. Only men who they knew would agree with them, did they allow in. Of course, power, prestige, and recognition among the elite of society would be the result, if you were elected into their sect.

With that said, now comes the toe stepping.

The founder of modern freemasonry, Albert Pike, wrote many books. “Morals and Dogma” and his lectures to the Supreme Council are the main ones that I will quote from in this letter. I will also quote from the “Lost keys of Freemasonry” written by Manly P, Hall, a fellow mason and follower of Pike’s teachings. I had used my father’s books to find out things until he died, then all of a sudden his books were missing. I know that they are supposed to be turned back in to the lodge upon the death of a member, it just seemed that the books disappeared within a couple of days of his death. It didn’t surprise me though, because I had confronted dad and a good friend of my father with some of the “secrets” that only members were supposed to know. When I asked dad about the “Blood Oaths” that were a part of his advancing in degrees, he didn’t deny it. He really didn’t say much at all about them, except to confirm to me his love for the Lord and his not willingly doing anything against the true faith. I could tell that, right then and there, he was asking God for forgiveness for any unknown sins he may have committed. He, just like most masons, was deceived into thinking that what they are doing is alright. I did, however, obtain through an occultic and rare book supplier, copies of these two books, and on the Internet, Pike’s address to the 23 Supreme Council’s.

I won’t be quoting any “anti-masonic” books. I will use the masonic organization’s own books and Pike’s instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World, to provide you with some of the strange doctrines that they adhere to. And here they are…

Masonry accepts all beliefs, it considers Jesus no more than Confucius, Buddha, Zoroaster, Mohammed or any great spiritual leader. Just a good and wise teacher. Just a man and not God Almighty himself. No other spiritual leader ever made the claims about himself as Jesus of Nazareth did. He was God in flesh. He proved it by the resurrection, and by fulfilling all of the prophesies about himself. No other teacher has ever claimed to be the Saviour of the world. They never claimed to have risen from the dead, their tombs can be found to this day. They were only men and claimed nothing else. Masonry, by it’s own dogma’s, considers our Christ as no more than a man. Each individual mason can worship him how he sees fit, but the Fraternity as a whole sees Christ no more than a Good and Wise teacher. We shouldn’t worship together and have fraternal ties, except with fellow Christians.

Freemasonry encourages the fellowship between All religions “Masonry, around whose altars the Christian, the Hebrew, the Moslem, the Brahmin, the followers of Confucius and Zoroaster, can assemble as brethren and unite in prayer to the one God who is above ALL the Baalim; must needs leave it to each of its initiates to look for the foundation of his faith and hope to the written scriptures of his own religion ” (Morals and Dogma ; page 226) Not that it is a bad thing for all religions to co-exist and seek the truth and foundation of the one true God, but the Mason is required to put the God of the Christians in the same box as all the other “Baalim” and that is a bad thing.

Osiris was the ancient Egyptian god whose annual death and resurrection personified the self-renewing vitality and fertility of nature. “The All Seeing Eye” is a Masonic representation of Osiris.

Satan, whose name was Lucifer, until God changed it after the rebellion, has always used deceitful ways and outright blasphemy against the true God, “Adonay” to try and dethrone him and take his place. In masonry’s inner teachings you can see that perfectly. He is a liar, the Prince of Lies, and he is deceiving many honest men. This Doctrine of Lies just blows me away. I just can’t understand why Christian men would be a part of an organization that has at it’s inmost core of teaching, a doctrine that teaches that Lucifer, the now Prince of Darkness, Satan himself, is co-existant with and even superior than God Almighty.

Freemasonry causes men to take upon themselves, the Title of God During the ceremonies of the ritual for the Royal Arch degree, the candidate is asked, “Brother Inspector, what are you? ” and he replies, “I AM THAT I AM”. Nothing else need be said regarding this.

I will have so say that becoming one with God is a doctrine that I also, as a Christian, adhere to. Jesus himself prayed that we would be one with Him and God as he was one with God. In that essence, we will obtain (when we see him, and are made like him) a unity with God and the very essence of God will be indwelling us. However the masonic teaching is just slightly warped, sounds pretty good!, but until we are changed “By God”, not under our own achievements or by ritualistic means, we won’t obtain any “Godhood”, other than the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Not taking anything away from the Holy Spirit. He is very much God and is indwelling us as believers in Christ. He is our earnest of our inheritance. We just won’t be able to be “like him until we see him as he is” then he will change our hearts, refine us and make us his holy bride. Then and only then will we have the “God Like” qualities that the master mason seems to be putting upon himself.

I could go on, but any Bible believing and even non believers should be able to see the lies and deception that purveys the Masonic Organization of today. I do not doubt, that in it’s roots, the Masons were true followers of God, being utilized to keep the higher truth’s and doctrines from being perverted through the centuries. I also am quite sure that the Masonic org. of today, is involved in the “New world Order”, the Council on Foreign Relations, The Tri-Lateral Commission, and in forging the path towards the One World Government, which already exists and has taken the sovereignty away from the United States, making it, the U.S., subject to the rules and Governing of this World Government. Satan “Lucifer” is behind what’s going on. He enters into all areas of God’s involvement in our lives and through lies and deceit, causes blindness among the peoples of the world. I pray that any mason that reads these things will repent from the condition of sin that we all are in, and for the unknown sin of unwittingly following this Organization.

With Love In Christ,

Patrick Robinson

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